Introduction to Kayna

Embedded Insurance Infrastructure enabling Distribution through Vertical SaaS

Kayna provides the technology & data orchestration layer between Carriers and Brokers and any Vertical SaaS platform to distribute insurance products that are directly relevant to platform customers.

  • Platforms leverage data to unlock new revenue streams and add value for customers.
  • Customers get accurate, data-led, right-sized insurance with automated quote, renewal, claims process.
  • Carriers/Brokers gain new Insurance distribution channels.

Account Registration and Onboarding

Lets see how you can create an account on Kayna staging dashboard.

  • Go to dashboard signup url at Sign Up.
  • Enter your email address and a strong password, then click on Get Started button to create an account for yourself.
  • You should have received a welcome email. Please click on the verification link in the email to complete the signup.
  • Once signed up , head over to login page at Login and enter your credentials. After logging in fill the onboarding form to complete the process.

Congratulations 🎉, You can successfully signed up to Kayna staging dashboard.

Widget Integration with Demo Product

Now that you have an account ready in the Kayna dashboard and you are successfully onboarded. Now lets have a look at how you can very quicky integrate the Kayna staging widget with demo product.

  • Go to Authorization Keys page to get access to your access key and secret key. That you will need for the integration.
  • Copy the import script snippet and and paste it into the head of your website to import the widget CDN.
  • Next, paste a div onto your page with id Kayna where ever you want to show the widget.
  • Next, copy the widget initialization script and paste it into the very last of your body tag.

Kayna staging widget with demo product have been integrated successfully into your website. Now open your website and refresh the page to see the changes.

Please note that this widget integration is only for one user. In real world use case you will be required to set up a backend server that will generate and return Authorization tokens dynamically for your users. This will allow the widget to remember your users for future visits and manage a separate context for each of your users.

Backend Server Setup

Now that you have Kayna staging widget integrated into your website. Lets have a look at how you can setup a server to dynamically generate Authorization tokens for each of your user.

  • First of all, open the Github Repository and clone the repository onto your computer.
  • Now run the copy command to clone the env file where you have to place all of your environment variables.
cp .env.example .env
  • Then, head to dashboard and copy access key, secret key, product it and platform id and paste it into your env file.
  • Run installation command to install all of your server dependencies.
npm i
  • You are all set up run the start command and your server should start on localhost 3050.
npm start


Now know how to integrate Kayna widget onto your backend and frontend. Now the only thing left to do is to replace the demo product with your actual product.

Contact the admin and wait of them to setup the product for your and send you the config.

Integrating your Product

Once you have received the new product config from the admin, All you have to do is replace the applicationFormData and productId in your widget initialization code.

Production Access

When you are happy with the widget integration in the staging, Go to the Authorization Keys page and click on the Request Keys button to get your production dashboard access.
